When you need to fix something in your home, what do you do? Do you DIY it yourself, or call in an expert?
Some research recently by E.ON has shown that us Brits have a tendency to lack confidence when it comes to carrying out home maintenance. Interestingly, despite living in the age of the internet, we are less likely to use technology to help us and instead will call upon parents for advice, as we trust them more than anything found online.
It’s good to know I’m not alone in my lack of know-how with basic home repairs, whether its fixing a leaky tap, replacing a fuse or re-pressurising the boiler. I must admit, my dad has always been very handy around the home, so a call to him is always my first thought.
So when E.ON challenged me to have a go at a bit of home maintenance without jumping straight onto the ‘dad hotline’ I decided to have a go at bleeding the radiators. This is one of those jobs I know needs doing from time to time to keep the radiators running efficiently (you can tell when they need doing as they won’t heat up adequately). I’m one of the 40% of the population that doesn’t know how to do this relatively simple task!
With my new handy Amazon Echo Dot, courtesy of E.ON and the world wide web to call on, I decided to find a video tutorial so I could watch a home maintenance expert bleed a radiator and follow the steps at home. Turns out, a how-to guide was very easy to find and it’s not that tricky at all to carry out, turning the special radiator key you should have at home (or can pick up at a DIY store) to let trapped air out. Just make sure you have a cloth or rag underneath the radiator valve as it may leak. Simples!
It got me thinking about winter-proofing my home; I know its summetime right now, but in a few months I’ll be glad I checked the roof for missing tiles, insulated the water pipes, bled the radiators and re-pressurised the boiler. I’m going to look into some smart tech options, too, that will help me be master of my own home more easily, with tools like tado° from E.ON, a smart thermostat that enables you to control the heating from your phone.
For more info about this campaign head to E.ON’s master of your own home page and find more tips about ways to master home maintenance.
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© Copyright 2018 Antonia, All rights Reserved. Written For: Tidylife
It’s funny you mention about bleeding the radiators as it’s something that in theory I know how to do, but in reality, I’ve never done it. *facepalm emoji* It’s true that many lack the confidence, but I’ve just painted my first ever room a few weeks ago and I’m still alive, haha.